Sunday, January 20, 2008

Abstract Yellow Rose

I just finished adding a new design to my store: Spencer Photos that I absolutely love. It's called Abstract Yellow Rose. What I like about it is the bold yellow and red colors, the orderly geometric pattern combined with the messy but still patterned swirl of the brush strokes. This fun design was made using filters, masks and slight alterations. I started with one of our photographs of a beautiful yellow rose.

Yellow flowers seem to be very popular right now. I love yellow flowers because they remind me of the sun and of summertime. Winter can be a hard time for people because the sun hides away as do the flowers. I use this time of year to go through our floral prints and alter them for new and unusal designs.

It's shown here on a pillow that is available for purchase. This design is also available on t-shirts, mugs, a teddy bear, bags and more.

I'm interested in knowing what you think of this design. Comment on whether you think it's bold or blah.

More designs coming soon!

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